We receive quite a bit of comments and questions about this Words with Friends cheat. The ones asked the most are listed here.
Listed words aren’t accepted in Word with Friends?
The process of unscrambling words requires a list of known English words. We do our best to keep this list accurate and up-to-date, but sometimes we miss a few.
Unfortunately not all listed words are accepted, because the word list Words with Friends uses isn't publicly available. So we aren't exactly sure what they accept and what not. They use the Oxford Dictionary as a base, and excluded the following: abbreviations, proper nouns (words always capitalized), prefixes and suffixes standing alone or words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe. They've also added some words but other then Zen and Texting, we don't know which.
Exclude words from the word list
You can manually exclude words from our word list. Press a word you want to exclude, and you'll see a red cross. By clicking the red cross, and confirming the exclusion, the word will be hidden for you. By an automated process these words will eventually be removed from our word list entirely.
An accepted word in Words with Friends is not listed?
There are two reasons for an accepted word not to be found. Either a word is not in our word list, so we don't know about it. Or, due to the amount of words found, we only show a subset. When words are unscrambled, all words that fit the scrambled letters are put aside. When the list of words exceeds a set amount, the list is sliced to prevent overloading. The list is always sorted by value before sliced, so you can be sure the highest valued words will be listed.
Suggest new words for the word list
Do you have a word which is accepted in Words with Friends but isn't listed? You can suggest that word to us. We'll check all submitted words and add valid ones to the list.
Do you have any other questions, feel free to ask them here.